
DAGベースの暗号通貨 Byteballの情報を発信

Byteball ホワイトペーパの日本語訳 要旨編





Byteball is a decentralized system that allows tamper proof storage of arbitrary data, including data that represents transferrable value such as currencies, property titles, debt, shares, etc.



Storage units are linked to each other such that each storage unit includes one or more hashes of earlier storage units, which serves both to confirm earlier units and establish their partial order.


>(解説) Byteballの名前の所以で、トランザクションが一方向に雪だるま式にリンクしていく仕組みであるため、ビットコインのように複数のトランザクションを含んだブロックの追加を待つ必要がないこと、さらにスケーラビリティの問題も理論的に解決しています。


The set of links among units forms a DAG (directed acyclic graph). There is no single central entity that manages or coordinates admission of new units into the database, everyone is allowed to add a new unit provided that he signs it and pays a fee equal to the size of added data in bytes.

ユニット間のリンクの集合は、DAGdirected acyclic graph)という仕組みを用いています。新規のデータ格納を管理する中央機関は存在しません。署名をするかつ、格納するデータサイズに等しい手数料をbytesで支払うという条件のもと誰もが新規にデータを格納できます。

>(解説) データを格納するとは、Byteballを使って決済する、Byteballを送るなどと捉えて問題ないかと思います。データサイズに等しい手数料を払うので、支払額で手数料が変わらないということになります。


The fee is collected by other users who later confirm the newly added unit by including its hash within their own units. As new units are added, each earlier unit receives more and more confirmations by later units that include its hash, directly or indirectly.


>(解説) トランザクションの手数料は各ユーザのウォレットに定義されているWitnessと言われる重要ノードが獲得します。


There is an internal currency called ‘bytes’ that is used to pay for adding data into the decentralized database. Other currencies (assets) can also be freely issued by anyone to represent property rights, debt, shares, etc.


>(解説) Byteballは単位があり、1 GB = 1,000 MB = 1,000,000 KB = 1,000,000,000 BYTEとなります。ちなみに取引所では一番大きい単位であるGBが使われています。これはBTC建で見たときに、大きい単位の方が0が少なく表現できるため見やすいという理由からだそうです。他のアセットの例は匿名通貨Blackbyteです。


Users can send both bytes and other currencies to each other to pay for goods/services or to exchange one currency for another; the transactions that move the value are added to the database as storage units.


>(解説) ストレージユニットとは図でいうと下記の丸いもの。



If two transactions try to spend the same output (double-spend) and there is no partial order between them, both are allowed into the database but only the one that comes earlier in the total order is deemed valid.



Total order is established by selecting a single chain on the DAG (the main chain) that is attracted to units signed by known users called witnesses.



A unit whose hash is included earlier on the main chain is deemed earlier on the total order.


>(解説) このあたりの話はknskitoさんの記事が参考になります。


Users choose the witnesses by naming the user-trusted witnesses in every storage unit.


>(解説) ByteballウォレットでWitnessを各自選択することができます。 


Witnesses are reputable users with real-world identities, and users who name them expect them to never try to double-spend. As long as the majority of witnesses behave as expected, all double-spend attempts are detected in time and marked as such.


>(解説) 現状ほぼ全てのWitnessはファウンダが運用しているため、彼をトラストしたネットワークとなっているという状況です。


As witnesses-authored units accumulate after a user’s unit, there are deterministic (not probabilistic) criteria when the total order of the user’s unit is considered final.



Users store their funds on addresses that may require more than one signature to spend (multisig).



Spending may also require other conditions to be met, including conditions that are evaluated by looking for specific data posted to the database by other users (oracles).


>(解説) binaryballで暗号通貨の価格上下を予想するといったときに、外部の相場情報を得るなどを指しています。


Users can issue new assets and define rules that govern their transferability. The rules can include spending restrictions such as a requirement for each transfer to be cosigned by the issuer of the asset, which is one way for financial institutions to comply with existing regulations.


 >(解説) 機関がKYCの要求に適合するアセットを作成できます。規範に違反があれば発行者は連署しないといったことができます。


Users can also issue assets whose transfers are not published to the database, and therefore not visible to third parties.

>(解説) Blackbyteを指しています。


Instead, the information about the transfer is exchanged privately between users, and only a hash of the transaction and a spend proof (to prevent double-spends) are published to the database.


